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About KarLyn's Lhasa Apsos

I am a small hobby kennel located in Central Wisconsin. I am working to breed for the right combination of looks, intelligence and personality that will produce the best all around lhasas for both the show ring as well as family companions.

My first lhasa came to me when a friend bred her lhasa because she wanted a puppy. Of course she didn't get only the one puppy she wanted. She convinced my then 8 year old daughter that we needed a cute little lhasa apso puppy. Well, who can turn down an 8 year old and a cute little 9 week old lhasa apso puppy. Of course no house is complete until you get a second one. They were not show quality but provided me the chance to become familiar with and learn about the breed.

Another friend asked me if I would help her show her dogs. After going along to shows it wasn't long before I was bitten by the show bug. So of course then started the search for a potential show lhasa.

After a rather lengthy search I finally purchased my first show lhasa puppy. It didn't take long before I purchased a second. So I hit the show circuit with my two girls. Before I new it I had finished my first champion, followed shortly by my second. Well, things just mushroomed from there. I have finished over a dozen lhasas. Some of them owned by myself and bred by others and some of them bred and owned by me.

Copyright ©2010

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